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Lab takes control of 1000s of competency assessments across states and sites



Multi-site health system


5,001 - 10,000 employees


Sioux Falls, SD


Twice named MLO’s Lab of the Year, this multi-state health system with a large academic medical center prides itself on always leveraging the latest technologies and treatments to drive patient outcomes. However, they were struggling with competency management within their many lab sites and locations, so they turned to MediaLab by Vastian for help.

The challenge

This health system spent a great deal of time managing its competency assessment assignments across multiple sites and states. They had a full-time employee exclusively dedicated to assigning, scheduling, and managing 6-month and annual assessments. This staff member had to ensure everything was signed off, all 6 elements were reviewed, all evidence was printed off, and all files were saved in binders. They kept track of dates and progress in a massive spreadsheet. It was tedious to maintain and nerve-wracking when they were asked to pull competency documents for personnel. 

The solution

The health system needed a better way to organize all of their competencies, and they came to MediaLab by Vastian for help. With Compass, they had one, centralized platform to store their thousands of assessments. The team took advantage of pre-built templates to immediately assign competency assessments. Assigning to groups and departments was now easy and eliminated the need for complicated and out-of-date spreadsheets. With the intuitive, paperless system, they easily reviewed who started their assessments, and who passed or needed remediation, all while supporting standardization across their sites.

The results

Now, their competencies are scheduled with automated reminders. Staff are informed, empowering them to take ownership of their competency assessment completions. This has also been helpful for inspections, as it is easy to pull competency records for any personnel at any time. Today, they do not need to spend countless hours passing out, organizing, and pulling together competency assessment tasks and results. That dedicated resource can now spend time focused on other key initiatives and priorities, instead of manual administration of the competency process. With MediaLab by Vastian, they are now able to show their higher standards with less time and effort, allowing them to focus more time on other quality-related activities.


Of competencies now digitized in a single platform


Access to any personnel’s competency assessments

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“With Compass, all our competencies are scheduled with automated reminders. Staff are informed, empowering them to take ownership of their competencies. It has been great for inspections, too, as it’s easy to pull competencies for any personnel at any time.”

Laboratory Assistant Vice President of a Multi-Site Health System

A woman wearing a mask and gloves holding a tablet.

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