Build, Deliver, and Track Competency
The CAP Competency Assessment Hub is a comprehensive solution designed to streamline your competency assessment process. With tools such as CLIA-compliant assessment creation, customizable quizzes, automated scheduling, and detailed reporting, you can efficiently manage and monitor competency assessments across your organization.
Compliance Requirements
The CAP Competency Assessment Hub helps you meet these and related requirements:
CAP: GEN.55500
CLIA: 42 CFR 493.1235
CAP: GEN.55505
TJC: HR.01.06.01
An all-in-one solution
Showcase your lab staff’s competency and your higher standards to CAP with ease. The CAP Competency Assessment Hub enables you to assess your team’s competencies efficiently and take corrective actions when needed, all within one intuitive and easy-to-manage platform.
Seamless integration across products
Gain more control, save more time, and make it even easier to show your higher standards by implementing the CAP Hub with MediaLab by Vastian solutions.
Document Control
Easily connect policies from Document Control to activities in CAP Hub, allowing administrators to assign policy readings as part of a training activity, ensuring seamless compliance and knowledge retention.
Link competency assessment completions to your InspectionProof responses, providing real-time evidence of compliance readiness.